Featured Listings
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Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ACCI is Australia’s largest and most representative business network. Our
members are state and territory chambers of commerce, national industry
associations and a council of business leaders from individual enterprises.
Together, we represent Australian businesses of all shapes and sizes, across all
sectors of the economy, and from every corner of our country.
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Australian Dental Association
The ADA is driving dentistry forward. The primary objectives of the Australian
Dental Association are to encourage the improvement of the oral and general
health of the public, promote the ethics, art and science of dentistry and
support members to provide safe, high-quality professional oral care. Access the
suite of professional services and applications to make your work easy.
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Australian Medical Association
The Australian Medical Association (AMA) is the peak professional body for
doctors in Australia. The AMA promotes and protects the professional interests
of doctors and the healthcare needs of patients and communities. Representing
doctors, the AMA works with governments to develop and influence health policy
to provide the best outcomes for doctors, their patients, and the community.
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Australian Retailers Association
The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the oldest, largest and most
diverse national retail body. We represent a $420 billion sector that employs
more than 1.4 million Australians and is the largest private sector employer in
the country. As Australia’s peak retail body, representing more than 120,000
retail shop fronts and online stores, the ARA informs, advocates, educates,
protects and unifies our independent, national and international
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Business Council of Australia
The Business Council of Australia represents Australia’s largest employers,
advocating for good policy on behalf of the business community and the
Australians they employ. We work to ensure Australia is economically strong to
support a fair, free and inclusive society for all Australians. Achieving this
requires successful, well-run businesses that create meaningful jobs and
inclusive work environments which reflect and are accountable to the broader
Australian community.
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CPA Australia
CPA Australia has a membership of 170,826 members in over 100 countries and
regions, supported by 19 offices globally. Our core services to members include
education, training, technical support and advocacy. Employees and members work
together with local and international bodies to represent the views and concerns
of the profession to governments, regulators, industries, academia and the
general public.
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National Retail Association
The National Retail Association is Australia’s most representative retail
industry organisation. We’re a not-for-profit organisation representing local
retailers from every segment of retail including fashion, groceries, department
stores, household goods, hardware, fast food, cafes, and services. We bring
retailers together to solve business and industry-level problems and promote
retail excellence.
Featured Listings
⚪ - Accommodation Association of Australia
⚪ - Australian Architecture Association
⚪ - Australian Association of National Advertisers
⚪ - Australian Automobile Association
⚪ - Australian Banking Association
⚪ - Australian Business Events Association
⚪ - Australian Federation of Travel Agents
⚪ - Australian Finance Industry Association
⚪ - Australian Financial Markets Association
⚪ - Australian Food and Grocery Council
⚪ - Australian Hotels Association
⚪ - Australian Museums and Galleries Association
⚪ - Australian Publishers Association
⚪ - Australian Robotics and Automation Association
⚪ - Australian Society of Authors
⚪ - Australian Trucking Association
⚪ - Dairy Industry Association of Australia
⚪ - Family Business Association
⚪ - Housing Industry Association
⚪ - Insurance Council of Australia
⚪ - International Business Council of Australia
⚪ - Internet Association of Australia
⚪ - Interpretation Australia Association
⚪ - Jewellers Association of Australia
⚪ - Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia