World Business Directory

World Business Directory

Ireland Business Directory

≡ - Dublin Business Directory

Featured Listings

⚪ - Association of Advertisers in Ireland

AAI exists to ensure a viable, vibrant future for brand marketing. We champion inspiration and innovation across our pillars of access, insight and influence. Being a channel for senior advertising and marketing peers, we provide AAI members with access to the people and ideas needed to thrive. Developing relationships, working together and making a difference for members is fundamental to us. AAI offers the opportunity for meaningful and practical conversations that make a difference in day to day brand work.


⚪ - Chambers Ireland

Chambers Ireland has supported Irish businesses for almost a century. We take the long view when it comes to growth and want our local economies to be business environments that nurture durable growth– the only real growth is growth that is sustainable. Chambers Ireland’s purpose is to be the voice of business throughout Ireland. We support our network of chambers in their mission of making their local economies places where businesses and people thrive.


⚪ - Chartered Accountants Ireland

Chartered Accountants Ireland (The Institute) is a membership body representing over 32,000 influential members throughout the globe. Our role is to educate, represent and support our members. Our members work in senior positions in practice and industry. We are committed to restoring confidence at every level of the economy. We work with governments and businesses to raise awareness of the importance of sound financial advice.


⚪ - Construction Industry Federation

The CIF is the Irish construction industry’s representative body. It provides a broad range of services that assist members in navigating the political, business, economic and regulatory environment. These services cross the full business spectrum and include Recruitment and Training, Legal and Industrial Relations Consultation and Advice, Health & Safety, Marketing and Industrial intelligence Reports Engagement with Government, Statutory and other industry bodies, and regular updates on all issues affecting the construction industry.


⚪ - Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is the Irish government’s enterprise development agency. We invest in and support the development of Irish-owned companies on their journey to achieving greater scale and to become global leaders in their field. This provides a platform for strong economic growth, and creating and sustaining jobs in communities around the country. Our teams in Ireland and across our network of 39 international offices help Irish companies to develop high-growth strategies and to enter new markets with innovative and sustainable solutions.


⚪ - IBEC

IBEC is Ireland’s largest lobby and business representative group. Our purpose is to help build a better, sustainable future by influencing, supporting and delivering for business success. With over 260 employees, Ibec engages with key stakeholders in Ireland and internationally through our six regional offices and our Brussels office, along with an extensive international network in the UK and US.


⚪ - Insurance Ireland

Insurance Ireland is the representative organisation for insurance in Ireland. As well as serving Irish businesses and consumers, Ireland is also a thriving global hub for insurance, reinsurance and InsurTech. Irish insurers are the number one providers of cross-border services in the European Union. Ireland is the fourth-largest insurance market and one of the largest reinsurance markets in the European Union. With over 120 members, Insurance Ireland’s membership represents a majority of the companies operating in the Irish market.


⚪ - Irish Exporters Association

We assist our members to grow their exports to world markets. We drive and support the growth and development of all exporting businesses based in Ireland. We represent the needs of members in the development of policy, lobbying, intervention at government level and in the media. Brexit and the Diversification of Export Markets, Trade Compliance, Climate change & Sustainability and their impact on Irish exporters are core to our work.


⚪ - Irish Franchise Association

The Irish Franchise Association is the only self-regulatory body within the Irish franchise sector, with a standards based approach to its membership. As a voluntary body we don’t have the resources to regulate the industry overall. However, we do regulate our members and accredit them only when we are satisfied that the minimum best practice standards have been achieved and our members subscribe to the European Code of Ethics on franchising.


⚪ - Irish SME Association

ISME, the Irish SME Association, is the only independent representative association for Small and Medium Enterprises and currently has in excess of 10,500 members nationwide. Uniquely in Ireland, ISME is independent of big business, big banks and government and gives voice to the issues facing SME owner-managers. We exist to support SME owner-managers by lobbying on their behalf, providing advice and information, and offering discounts on products and services through our ADVANTAGE - Affinity programme. We provide learning and development programmes with ISME Skillnet and business development and promotional opportunities through the ISME website, publications, digital channels and networking at events.


⚪ - Restaurants Association of Ireland

The Restaurants Association of Ireland represents in excess of 3,000 members, with establishments representing full-service restaurants, coffees shops, hotel restaurants, gastropubs, golf clubs and cookery schools. We also have over 150 trade partners, which are businesses that we have approved as suppliers of products and services for restaurants.


Featured Listings

⚪ - Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland

⚪ - Animation Ireland

⚪ - Architectural Association of Ireland

⚪ - Brokers Ireland

⚪ - Consumers' Association of Ireland

⚪ - Electricity Association of Ireland

⚪ - Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations

⚪ - Freight Transport Association Ireland

⚪ - Golf Ireland

⚪ - Hardware Association Ireland

⚪ - Health Stores Ireland

⚪ - Insurance Ireland

⚪ - Ireland's Association for Adventure Tourism

⚪ - Irish Association of Investment Managers

⚪ - Irish Association of Pharmacologists

⚪ - Irish BioEnergy Association

⚪ - Irish Dental Association

⚪ - Irish Economic Association

⚪ - Irish Farmers' Association

⚪ - Irish Hospital Consultants Association

⚪ - Irish Medical Association

⚪ - Irish Museums Association

⚪ - Irish Pest Control Association

⚪ - Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association

⚪ - Irish Property Owners Association

⚪ - Irish Security Industry Association

⚪ - Irish Solar Energy Association

⚪ - Irish Steel

⚪ - Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association

⚪ - Irish Travel Agents Association

⚪ - Irish Universities Association

⚪ - Publishing Ireland

⚪ - Society of Actuaries in Ireland

⚪ - Society of Irish Foresters

⚪ - Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland

⚪ - The Interiors Association

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