World Business Directory

World Business Directory

Japan Business Directory

≡ - Tokyo Business Directory

Featured Listings

⚪ - Central Japan Economic Federation

Central Japan Economic Federation, known as “Chukeiren”, is a comprehensive economic organization covering a wide area including 5 prefectures in Central Japan. Chukeiren conducts surveys and studies on social and economic issues in and outside of Central Japan, compiles opinions of businesses in the area, and submits recommendations and engages in various activities to achieve goals.


⚪ - Japan Association of New Economy

Japan needs to develop new industries with a special focus on the greater strategic utilization of information technology. It is a crucial step for Japan to regain global competitiveness and continue its economic growth into the future in the face of such structural problems as a shrinking and aging population. The establishment of policies and systems to support this development is an urgent issue for the country. The Japan Association of New Economy (JANE) is dedicated to performing policy advocacy from a private sector perspective to help contribute to addressing this issue,while also providing a platform for information sharing and networking among members.


⚪ - Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) is a network of comprehensive local economic organizations made up of the representatives of some 1.23 million member businesses nationwide, embracing everything from large and medium-sized corporations down to small firms and sole proprietors. Our goal is to encourage the full flowering of individual inspiration by helping member companies, their employees, and each community ceaselessly foster bold innovation, making the most of their own unique characteristics.


⚪ - Japan External Trade Organization

JETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world. Originally established in 1958 to promote Japanese exports abroad, JETRO's core focus in the 21st century has shifted toward promoting foreign direct investment into Japan and helping small to medium size Japanese firms maximize their global export potential.


⚪ - Kansai Economic Federation

Kansai Economic Federation (Kankeiren) is a private, non-profit organization. Our mission is to enhance Kansai's ability to contribute to the sound development of the Japanese economy, we carry out unique research studies that anticipate future trends, make policy proposals, and take practical actions based on the study results. We constantly maintain focus on the whole Kansai region, motivated by the active exchange of views among businesspeople at committee meetings and other gatherings.



KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation) is a comprehensive economic organization with a membership comprised of 1,512 representative companies of Japan, 107 nationwide industrial associations and the regional economic organizations for all 47 prefectures. Its mission as a comprehensive economic organization is to draw upon the vitality of corporations, individuals and local communities to support corporate activities which contribute to the sustainable development of the Japanese economy and improvement in the quality of life for the Japanese people.


⚪ - Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) membership is comprised of companies of a variety of types and sizes: large enterprises, SMEs, private enterprises, other organizations, and individual businesspersons in the 23-ward area of metropolitan Tokyo. Members are involved in all types of business, and work together to overcome problems or enhance business opportunities that would not be possible for individual entities.


Featured Listings

⚪ - Federation of Small Business Association

⚪ - Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce & Industry

⚪ - Japan Association for Chemical Innovation

⚪ - Japan Association of National Universities

⚪ - Japan Association of Translators

⚪ - Japan Association of Travel Agents

⚪ - Japan Business Aircraft Association

⚪ - Japan Entrepreneurs & Presidents Association

⚪ - Japan Federation of Bar Associations

⚪ - Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers' Association

⚪ - Japan International Cooperation Agency

⚪ - Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers

⚪ - Japanese Bankers Association

⚪ - Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

⚪ - Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry

⚪ - Petroleum Association of Japan

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