World Business Directory

World Business Directory

Portugal‎ Business Directory

≡ - Lisbon Business Directory

Featured Listings

⚪ - AICEP - Portuguese Trade & Investment Agency

AICEP - Portuguese Trade & Investment Agency is the public body that promotes the attraction of productive inward investment and the internationalization of the Portuguese economy, fostering export growth and the international expansion of Portuguese companies. AICEP has offices in Portugal and an external network in around 50 countries.


⚪ - PortugalFoods

PortugalFoods, is a private non-profit association, that brings together more than 180 members including food industry companies and entities from the Portuguese scientific ecosystem (universities and R&D centers). Acting as a platform, PortugalFoods boosts the agrifood sector’s competitiveness by establishing win-win relationships, focused on two key pillars: Knowledge: increasing the sector’s technological index by supporting knowledge economical valorization, through a range of activities concerning innovation and R&D. Market: promoting the sector’s internationalization by identifying opportunities and empowering agrifood companies through Business Intelligence and by organizing international trade events.


⚪ - Portuguese Banking Association

Associação Portuguesa de Bancos (APB - Portuguese Banking Association) is the main representative of the banking sector in Portugal. Its 24 members account for over 90% of the assets in Portugal’s banking system. The APB belongs to the European Banking Federation - EBF, which has 32 national banking associations as its members, representing around 3.500 banks in Europe. Find out how the APB is represented in the EBF and other bodies and institutions in Portugal and abroad.


⚪ - Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association

Standing up for the interests of companies and offering services to make them more competitive. This is the mission of the Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association, Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AEP). Based in Porto, where it was founded in 1849, it exists to promote and defend business and associative activities. This is achieved through the provision of services, especially tailored to the needs identified by its technical teams, or through dialogue with the companies it represents, and is characterised by diversity, experience in different sectors and its nation-wide scope.


⚪ - Portuguese Renewable Energy Association

The Portuguese Renewable Energy Association (APREN) is a non-profit association, founded in October 1988, with the mission of coordination, representation and defense of the common interests of our Members. Our members are either: singular or collective entities that are authorized to produce renewable electricity (producers); or even any singular or collective entity interested in the technical, legal, financial and economic development of electricity production from renewable energy sources and that can clearly contribute to meet APREN’s purposes (non-producers).


Featured Listings

⚪ - 351 Portuguese Startup Association

⚪ - Association of Port Wine

⚪ - Business Association of the Lisbon Region

⚪ - European International Shipowners’ Association of Portugal

⚪ - Invest In Azores

⚪ - National Association of Retailers and Producers of Food Products

⚪ - Portugal Fintech

⚪ - Portugal Foreign Residents Association

⚪ - Portuguese Association of Advisory Companies in Communication and Public Relations

⚪ - Portuguese Association of Ports and Marinas

⚪ - Portuguese Association of Tourist Guides and Tour Managers

⚪ - Portuguese Competition Authority

⚪ - Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association

⚪ - Portuguese Hotels Association

⚪ - Portuguese Publishers and Booksellers Association

⚪ - Portuguese Renewable Energy Association

⚪ - Portuguese Space Agency

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