World Business Directory

World Business Directory

Switzerland Business Directory

≡ - Geneva Business Directory

≡ - Zürich Business Directory

Featured Listings

⚪ - digitalswitzerland

digitalswitzerland is a Swiss-wide, cross-sector initiative that aims to strengthen and make Switzerland a leading digital nation. Under the umbrella of digitalswitzerland, 170+ organisations, consisting of Association members and politically neutral Foundation partners, work together transversally to achieve this goal. digitalswitzerland is the point of contact for all digitalisation issues and is committed to solving a wide range of challenges.


⚪ - Economiesuisse

Economiesuisse is the umbrella organisation for the Swiss business sector. We represent the interests of the competition-oriented, internationally networked and responsible-minded Swiss business sector. As the link between the political arena, the economy and society, we campaign for the best possible framework conditions for Swiss businesses – from small and medium-sized companies through to major corporations. We are the umbrella organisation for 100 trade and industry associations, 20 cantonal chambers of commerce and a broad range of companies.


⚪ - Netcomm Suisse

The goals of Netcomm Suisse are to support the interests of e-Commerce companies, contribute to the knowledge and diffusion of e-Commerce, including related services and technologies, and to bring down the barriers that limit the development of the sector. Through activities as diverse as lobbying, legal & fiscal support, training and research, the organization aims to build a stronger e-Commerce environment in Switzerland and beyond to enable sustainable growth across the industry.


⚪ - Swissmem

Swissmem is the leading association for both SMEs and major corporations in the Swiss technology industry. We are proud to provide our member companies in all language regions with professional advice, offer them extensive networks and support them in digitalization while also, at a political level, advocating good framework conditions and an innovative centre of industry in Switzerland. The focus is on access to global export markets, the effective promotion of innovation, and a liberal labour market. We aim to train dedicated professionals at all levels for the industry, and we invest heavily in future-oriented training for young people and advanced training.


Featured Listings

⚪ - Association of Swiss Chocolate Manufacturers

⚪ - Association of Switzerland’s Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry

⚪ - Association of the Confectionery and Bakery Industry

⚪ - Association of the Swiss Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Trade

⚪ - BioAlps Association

⚪ - Federation of Swiss Food Industries

⚪ - Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry

⚪ - Handel Schweiz

⚪ - Investment Migration Council

⚪ - Lignum

⚪ - Micronarc

⚪ - Proviande

⚪ - Scienceindustries

⚪ - Swiss Association for Quality

⚪ - Swiss Bankers Association

⚪ - Swiss Biotech Association

⚪ - Swiss Cleantech

⚪ - Swiss Convenience Food Association

⚪ - Swiss Cosmetic and Detergent Association

⚪ - Swiss Design Association

⚪ - Swiss Export

⚪ - Swiss Farmers’ Union

⚪ - Swiss Fintech Innovations

⚪ - Swiss Furniture Trade and Industry Association

⚪ - Swiss Insurance Association

⚪ - Swiss Internet Industry Association

⚪ - Swiss Label

⚪ - Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects

⚪ - Swiss Startup Association

⚪ - Swiss Telecommunications Association

⚪ - Swiss Textiles

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